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Obrázek autorajulieinfinland


I mentioned in one post that I experienced camping here. During this activity, I tasted salmon. In Finnish salmon is called lohi. You are probably wondering what could be special about salmon. It´s just a fish that you can prepare at home, and you don´t need to go camping because of it. But to be honest, the taste is not the same as the one from the oven.

This salmon wasn't even cooked over an open flame. The fist was on the piece of wood. The whole board was near to fire but at the same time quite far from flames. I was given the honour of being the chef because one of my responsibilities throughout the preparation was to ensure that the salmon did not dry out. I was watering it with salted water.

I am grateful that I was able to try it because it is one of the many fish preparation options available in Finland. I'm going to try to do it in the Czech Republic one day, and I´m hoping to be successful.

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